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First Day of School!

Wow! It's been a full two weeks since returning to Chiang Mai from the States! It was a wonderful summer and a much needed break :) I hope this finds you enjoying a new week at work, home, or vacationing!

The last two weeks have been full of getting our house put back together after almost 2 months of no one living in it as well as unpacking and restocking. My roommate's car wasn't working so a couple of those days were adventures of "how to get around without a car!" Jet lag was easy this time around but we don't have internet at home yet so communication with you all back home has been practically non-existant. Hopefully we'll be up and running soon! I apologize to those of you who have sent texts or emails as I am slow to reply!

The last week or so was filled with orientation meetings at school and working to set up our classrooms. My teaching partner Kosharah and I are excited about starting another year in Second grade! Tomorrow (Tuesday) is our first day of school! Please pray for us and our wonderful new second graders as we all experience the back to school jitters! You can also be praying for Kosharah and I as we have Back to School Night with the parents as we get the "parent jitters" ;)

Love to you all!