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30 days to a Habit

Happy New Year! 

Wow its been forever since I even logged into my Blogger account. At least I've been getting my email newsletters out to you guys around about once a month. I've got maybe 4 different blog posts swirling around in my head that have yet to be written down (maybe once I do write them out, I'll be able to remember what day of the week it is and what day I have plans...doubtful.)

ANYWHO! I digress. Onto my exciting news! 

For 2015, along with a friend, each month I will be doing a different 30 day (ish) challenge with different art techniques and/or mediums, such as drawing, photography, watercolor painting etc. I'm super excited about improving my art and creativity through these different avenues! In an attempt both improve my artistic skills and keep this blog updated, I'm starting a new page on this blog where each day I'll post my work for the day. Check it out and hopefully we'll all be able to watch my improvements over the course of the year! (aka the first ones are NOT the most amazing art work you've ever seen..)

That said...I'm thrilled to work hard using the gifts God has given me and hone those skills to use them for His glory!