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God is so good, He's so good to me

Just now, as I was thinking that I should write this, this song popped into my head. It is the perfect title for April, and really this year. 

After several months of my computer not working correctly, I finally took it into a repair shop this week. As many of you know, money has been tight and since my laptop would sometimes work, it wasn't as high on the priority list of expenses as it would've been previously. However, every time I REALLY needed it to work, it did! God has provided everything I need and here again is another testament to how He truly is our Jehovah Jireh, our provider. When the repair shop called me yesterday to tell me it was finished, and I asked how much it would cost, they said nothing because it was only an application that was causing the problem and needed to be deleted. I was in shock! My roommate's computer had the same exact problem but she paid about $30 to have her's fixed and the exact same shop! At first, I was super skeptical that they had really fixed the problem, but I've used it all day today without problem! God loves us so much that He provides for our technological disasters. This is just one large example of how God has provided for me over the last few months!

Throughout this time, He has shown me that money is an area of my life that I never gave over to Him to control. And though I have little right now, I am NEVER in need. He always provides exactly what He knows I need, through what seem to be little miracles or through friends, here and back at home, but keeps asking if I trust Him with my finances, if I trust Him to provide for me. Sometimes, when I try to take control back, I become anxious, stressed and worried. When I let it go, and allow Him the control, knowing that He has me in the palm of His hand at all times, I am at peace. The times of peace have been growing longer and longer, and I'm learning. He's stretching me, and growing me, and though its painful, I'm thankful and must turn back in praise to him. He is so good! I never want to be anywhere but here in His hands, knowing He is my provider, defender, and friend.

April has been a month of here and there. The first week of April my roommate and teaching partner's daughter, who has not been well since January, had a strain of E. Coli and was going to have to spend at least 7 days in the hospital on an IV Antibiotic drip. However, after 3 days, God healed her body and she was able to come home! She is still recovering but is finally back to her old, happy, sassy self. Then, we had Spring Break for two weeks and I was able to go on a couple short getaways to the mountains where the temperatures are slightly lower. The last few weeks have been high humidity combined with high heat (high 90s to 100 degrees F). I'm so thankful for air-conditioning in my classroom and bedroom, and fans everywhere else. They don't call it hot season for nothing! These weeks of vacation were a wonderful time of rest and relaxation.

Last week was our first week back at school. Yesterday we took the kids on a field trip to a couple "factories" where they were able to see first hand the steps to produce a product with natural materials. We went to the pottery factory and the umbrella factory, both popular products sold here in Chiang Mai. At both places they were able to create a product of their own to take home! It was over a hundred degrees, and we were outside all day, but it was a great day of learning and fun for the second graders. (For pictures check out my Facebook page :) I had too many to post to the blog)

Ok.. life became absolutely insane! Everything written up to this point in this post was written two weeks ago.. So fast forward two weeks! In this time, the weather began fluctuating between over 100 degrees F and downpouring rain with 100% humidity! Seasons are changing quickly here in the tropics. My laptop continues to work without any problems! YAY! Also, I turned 24! My roommate treated me to a trip to Bangkok where we shopped at Forever 21 and Ikea (helped some other friends who came with us buy their kitchen) and ate lots of Carl's Jr. It was a fun but quiet celebration of my birthday. 

We are heading into the last 3 weeks of school! It seems crazy that the year is so quickly coming to a close. I have loved teaching this class and will really miss them when the year is finished. I will miss teaching as well as I head into my new position starting in September, but I will continue teaching the 3rd and 4th grade Art Club at Grace, which will be all of my old students from the last two years! It will be fun to have them all again :) Please pray for me as I prepare to say goodbye to my students, some dear friends who are not returning to Chiang Mai, and begin to transition into my new role here.

Lastly, I would like to announce that I'll be in California for the summer! I officially bought my plane tickets and will be arriving in LAX on June 13th. I can't wait to visit with you all, hear about your last year! I will be specifically raising more financial support to head into my new position at the Family Connection Foundation; if you have any connections with churches, mission boards, or generally anyone passionate about missions, please email me! I would love to connect with them and share what God is doing in my life and ministry! I really look forward to spending time with as many of you that I can while I am there from June 13 to September 1. Love to you all!