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Fun Fall Update (with Pictures!)

My last blog update was all about what's been happening in my personal life and my relationship with Christ. So here's my fun school update! Last week was Tiger Pride Week so we had fun dressing up as different salad dressings all week! I forgot to take pictures of Monday "Salad Topping" (crazy hair/hat day) Wednesday "1000 Island" Day (beach/island wear) and Friday "Blue Cheese" (school colors blue and yellow )Day but here are Ranch and House Days! Aren't my new second graders cute!? (I'm also having fun with a new app on my phone to decorate pictures!)

Also, this year I'm getting more involved in the kids' lives outside of school. So I'm teaching 3rd and 4th grade Art Club! Once a week, they come to my classroom for an hour right after school. My goal is to teach them about the Masters (and my favorites ;] ) and do a project to imitate them. This week's Master was Picasso! While its tiring to teach all day, then prep another lesson and corral students who've been sitting all day in their own classrooms. After Art Club, my classroom typically looks like a paint bomb went off! But its a whirlwind of fun and I get to get my creative juices flowing as well to create and make examples for each project!

Life is busy here but I'm loving it, well most of the time anyways :) A field trip is coming up in a couple weeks so watch for pictures! Prayer Requests: Report Cards are due next week and Parent-Teacher Conferences are the week after that. Then October Break! Holler!